Investigating the (Neglected) Role of Personality in Testing
Institutional accountability assessments are common in higher education, and most have no personal consequences for students. Importantly, research has shown that in low-stakes testing environments, test-taking motivation is related to test performance (i.e., lower motivation Visit Page
Study: Meditation Improves Memory, Attention
The Atlantic: The Internet is probably destroying our attention spans and working memories, but companies still want employees who are able to “focus.” Also, even though they are pretty minimally predictive of professional success, academic Visit Page
Professor works to change future of business ethics
Today: Adam Grant, the youngest tenured professor at the University of Pennsylvania, is taking on the “greed is good” mentality of some CEOs and business executives, hoping to shape the leaders of tomorrow by teaching Visit Page
The Secret to Success Is Giving, Not Taking
Scientific American: We all know what successful people look like. They are are the ones who do whatever it takes, the ones with the sharp elbows, the ones who know how to take what is Visit Page
Successful ‘Don Draper’ type salesmen don’t achieve best figures
The Telegraph: When people think of a stereotypical salesperson they’re likely to conjure up someone who’s extrovert, gregarious, and assertive – just like the dapper executive played by Jon Hamm. However, new research reveals that Visit Page
Move Over Extroverts, Here Come the Ambiverts
Forbes: One of the prevailing personality stereotypes we rarely question is that extremely extroverted people do best in sales. On the flip side, extremely introverted people may as well not even try to sell anything Visit Page