When Making Meaning of the World, the Brain is a Multi-tasker
How does the brain confer meaning on the things we perceive in the world? “Many of us favor the theory that, whether it comes in through the eyes or ears, through reading [or other stimuli]
Study: Powerful think they’re taller than they are
USA Today: Powerful people truly do stand tall, at least in their own minds. Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis and Cornell University found through a series of three experiments that powerful people feel
Le pouvoir leur a monté à la taille!
Slate France: L’histoire ne manque pas d’exemples de personnages de petite taille (au sens propre) ayant exercé de grands pouvoirs. Lénine mesurait 1m65 comme Charlot, Louis XIV 1m62 (*) comme Beethoven, Mozart et Benoit XVI
Feeling Powerful Makes You Think You Are Taller Than You Are
ABC News: Feeling powerful today? Then you probably think you are taller than you really are. And if you feel a tad powerless, you probably feel like the runt of the litter. In a provocative
Powerful people think they’re taller than they are (we’re looking at you, Sarkozy)
Toronto Star: Women don’t need high heels to feel taller – all they need is a little bit of power. People overestimate their height when they are in more powerful positions, according to new research
To “Think Outside the Box”, Think Outside the Box
Want to think outside the box? Try actually thinking outside of a box. In a study to be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, researchers