Left-Leaning Research
89.3 KPCC Public Radio: Remember, from math class, the number line? Smaller numbers on the left, bigger ones on the right? This is Sandra Tsing Loh with the Loh Down on Science, saying don’t worry
Première impression (First Impression)
Le Monde: L’information fait frémir. Cent millisecondes suffisent pour qu’un employeur potentiel, ou un membre de jury de concours ou d’examen, se fasse une opinion sur quelqu’un. En un dixième de seconde, il se fera
The Science of Illusion
The New York Times: PINCH a coin at its edge between the thumb and first fingers of your right hand and begin to place it in your left palm, without letting go. Begin to close
How to fool Houdini and avoid fooling yourself
Scientific American: Last week, Alex Stone taught Wall Street Journal readers the world round how to steal a watch. It’s probably a safe bet that fellow magicians were none too pleased. Nor are they likely
Phantom hand mapped for the first time
NewScientist: EVER wanted to know what an invisible hand looks like? Well, it is slightly wider than a real hand, and it has shorter fingers too. For the first time, the perceived shape of a
Visualize and Score… BIG!
Scientific American: I love optical illusions. They make me feel clever if I can figure them out and even when I have to peek at the answer, it’s still fun to find out how my