Des distractions pour aider la mémoire des seniors (Distraction Can Reduce Age-Related Forgetting)
Le Figaro: La mémoire est de moins en moins fiable avec l’âge, même s’il existe de grandes variations entre les individus. Autre inconvénient, peut-être moins connu, le fait que l’on se laisse plus facilement distraire
Scientists provide fresh insights into post-sleep paralysis distress
Toronto Telegraph: Canadian scientists have identified the factors that cause distress after sleep paralysis, a psychological phenomenon of which little was previously known, according to a study. Sleep paralysis is a distressing phenomenon often accompanied
A New Look at Perception (Thank You, El Greco)
The Huffington Post: El Greco was one of the greatest artists of the Spanish Renaissance, and also one of its most idiosyncratic. His contemporaries were puzzled by his fantastic use of color, and even more
Sleep Paralysis: Researchers Identify What Makes The Sleep Condition So Distressing
The Huffington Post: Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis, the condition where you may feel totally physically paralyzed either right before falling asleep or immediately upon waking up? If you felt panicked after the experience
A New Look at Perception (Thank you, El Greco)
El Greco was one of the greatest artists of the Spanish Renaissance, and also one of its most idiosyncratic. His contemporaries were puzzled by his fantastic use of color, and even more so by his
New Research on Aging From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on cognitive and perceptual processes in aging published in Psychological Science. Distraction Can Reduce Age-Related Forgetting Renée K. Biss, K. W. Joan Ngo, Lynn Hasher, Karen L. Campbell, and Gillian Rowe