Pay Up: The Trick to Getting People to Pay Parking Tickets
Behavioral scientists collaborated with cities in Australia and the US to find cognitive cues to prompt drivers to pay their parking tickets.
Remembering Jerome Bruner
A series of tributes to Jerome “Jerry” Bruner, who died in 2016 at the age of 100, reflects the seminal contributions that led him to be known as the founder of the cognitive revolution.
How to Make Sure You Don’t Screw Up Your Ballot
New York Magazine: As a species, humans tend to be easily distractible, confused, and prone to neglecting important details. Voting is a particularly important and depressing example. In an interesting paper in Current Directions in
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the balance between focus and breadth determined during perceptual processing and Bayesian models of perceptual differences in individuals with autism.
The Problems with Poor Ballot Design
Scientific American: Tensions are mounting as we hurtle towards Election Day this Tuesday, yet with all the focus on who’s voting and where, most of us have put little thought into another essential part of
Using Science to Understand How Ballot Design Impacts Voter Behavior
Concern over the security of the voting process is a recurring issue, but psychological science suggests an even bigger problem may lurk within our voting systems: poor design.