Is Happiness Overrated?
The Wall Street Journal: The relentless pursuit of happiness may be doing us more harm than good. Some researchers say happiness as people usually think of it—the experience of pleasure or positive feelings—is far less Visit Page
Stress Higher in Children With Depressed Parents
Children with depressed parents get stressed out more easily than children with healthy parents—if the depressed parents are negative toward their child. That’s the conclusion of a study published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Visit Page
Happy Kids Divorce More: University Of Cambridge Study
The Huffington Post: You might believe that happy kids stand a better chance of growing up into happy adults. And for the most part you’d be right–a recent study looking into the effect a happy Visit Page
Parents in Denial When It Comes to Child Costs
Discovery News: New research suggests that people may exaggerate the perks of being parents to rationalize the financial costs of raising children. Two studies, featured in the journal Psychological Science, measured more than 140 parents’ Visit Page
Why Having Kids Is Foolish
TIME: All parents know that having kids is a blessing — except when it’s a nightmare of screaming fits, diapers, runny noses, wars over bedtimes and homework and clothes. To say nothing of bills too Visit Page
Joy of parenthood is a fantasy: Psychologists say cost of children forces mothers and fathers to convince themselves it’s worthwhile
The Daily Mail: Most parents say they wouldn’t have it any other way. Children cause them financial hardship, eat up their time and cause untold worry… but mums and dads insist they are worth every Visit Page