Do Parenting Styles Mirror Teaching Styles?
Douglas A. Bernstein of the University of South Florida and has over 40 years of classroom experience. He thought he had seen it all, but he continues to be surprised till this day by some Visit Page
Boys Who Lack Empathy Don’t React to a Fearful Face
Scientific American: Psychopaths can’t connect emotionally. Researchers have thought that trait may be connected with an outsized drive for reward and an inability to register fearful expressions in others’ faces. And that training them to Visit Page
L’affetto dei nonni allunga la vita ai nipotini
Salute 24: Avere i nonni accanto fa vivere di più i nipoti: nelle famiglie in cui sono presenti più generazioni, infatti, anche in situazioni difficili la possibilità di sopravvivenza dei più piccoli è maggiore. È Visit Page
How To Spot A Commitment Phobe
Marie Claire Australia: A new survey to be published in the June issue of Psychological Science reveals that a commitment phobe may be easier to spot than you think. According to scientists at the University Visit Page
Early Bonds Predict Ability to Commit
Discovery News: The ability to commit to a romantic partner may be more rooted in childhood and adolescence than previously thought, according to research to be published in the journal Psychological Science next month. Though Visit Page
Teen Abstinence May Not Stop Later Risky Sex
MSN Health& Fitness: Teens who choose to practice abstinence or delay having sex may still engage in sexual risk-taking as adults, according to a new study. The researchers found that a combination of other factors Visit Page