L’amore in una coppia? È come il tango
Style Italia: Non è il caso di mettersi a “lavorare” da soli per salvare la coppia, quando ci sono dei problemi e il partner non si sta più impegnando. Non servirà. Anzi, è addirittura controproducente Visit Page
The Bond: Staying in touch when children go to college
Los Angeles Times: The second in a series on the evolution of the parent-child relationship. The big deadline for high school seniors to choose a college has passed, and parents’ thoughts are turning toward the Visit Page
Violent Video Games Linked to Increased Aggression
MSN Health: Violent video games trigger aggression among those who play them, according to a new University of Missouri study. Such players showed more hostility because their brains had become less responsive, or desensitized, to Visit Page
Blanks for the Memories
The Wall Street Journal: A rowdy cousin … an Eeyore T-shirt … a dog-shaped balloon. Why we remember some scenes from early childhood and forget others has long intrigued scientists—as well as parents striving to Visit Page
Kids own up to ownership
ScienceNews: Young children are possessed by possessions. Preschoolers argue about what belongs to whom with annoying regularity, a habit that might suggest limited appreciation of what it means to own something. But it’s actually just Visit Page
Capacity for Commitment May Start in Early Childhood
Yahoo News: The ability of men and women to have staying power and a strong level of commitment in their romantic relationships can be traced back to their early childhood and adolescence, a new study Visit Page