Recognizing voices harder for people with dyslexia
USA Today: Pick up the phone and hear, “Hey, what’s up?” Chances are, those few words are enough to recognize who’s speaking — perhaps unless you have dyslexia. In a surprise discovery, researchers found adults Visit Page
Who Do We Blame for Bad Behavior?
APS-David Myers Distinguished Lecture on the Science and Craft of Teaching Psychology Classmates may not like him or her, but the teacher always appreciates the “teacher’s pet” — that one favorite student who pays attention Visit Page
Exageramos las alegrías de ser padres para sentirnos menos deprimidos?
CNN Mexico: Todos los padres coinciden en que tener hijos es una bendición… cuando están dormidos. Esta es una broma frecuente entre los padres, quienes por más que gocen a sus hijios, saben que es Visit Page
Baby eyes take longer to process movement
Deccan Herald: Researchers at the University of California, Davis, found that while infants can perceive flicker or movement, they may not be able to identify the individual elements within a moving or changing scene as Visit Page
How Media Can Encourage Our Better Side
Violent media—films, TV, videogames—can encourage aggression, and lots of research says so. But psychologists haven’t spent as much time looking at the ways media with more socially positive content help suppress meanness and prod us Visit Page
Does Virginity Really Protect Against Risky Sex Later On?
The Huffington Post: True Love Waits is a virginity pledge program, probably the largest of its kind. Started by the Southern Baptist Convention in 1993, it now claims more than 2.5 million members, teenagers and Visit Page