Study calls parental care key factor in child’s health
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: A new study has found that children raised in poverty were less likely to develop certain chronic diseases in adulthood if they had loving, attentive mothers from a young age. Disadvantaged children grow Visit Page
How Devoted Moms Buffer Kids In Poverty
Children raised in poverty often grow up to have poor health in adulthood, from frequent colds to heart disease. But there’s one thing that might buffer them from that fate: a good mom. That is Visit Page
Hardcore gamer kids tend to have low opinions of parents: Study
The Vancouver Sun: If your kids play a lot of video games, does it say something about you as a parent? It might, according to the results of a study that assessed correlations between how Visit Page
¡Cuidado con las madres lactantes!
Univision: Las madres lactantes protegen a sus bebés y a sí mismas más agresivamente que las madres que alimentan a sus bebés con biberón o las mujeres que no tienen hijos, afirman investigadores. El estudio Visit Page
Breast-Feeding Makes Women ‘Mama Bears’
Yahoo! Canada: Like mama bears ferociously protecting their young, new research suggests human moms, at least those who are breast-feeding, can act more aggressively than others. In a controlled lab setting, breast-feeding moms were indeed Visit Page
Breast-feeding moms more aggressive, study says
CBS News: Girl power? Maybe it should be grrrrl power, at least when it comes to mothers who breast-feed their babies. Nursing moms protect their babies twice as aggressively as their bottle-feeding counterparts, according to Visit Page