Happy Kids a Product of Genes, Parenting, Study Finds
U.S. News & World Report: As scientists continue to tease out the impact of nature versus nurture, it appears that kids unlucky enough to get a “downer” personality gene can end up with sunnier outlooks Visit Page
Music Training Enhances Children’s Verbal Intelligence
Miller-McCune: A just published study from Canada suggests early music education stimulates a child’s brain, leading to improved performance in an entirely different arena – verbal intelligence. “These results are dramatic not only because they Visit Page
Music-based program helps children develop verbal intelligence: Study
Toronto Sun: Preschool children learning to analyze information and solve problems using language-based reasoning thrive when taught using music, a new Canadian study has found. In the study, 48 children between the ages of four Visit Page
Young Children Show Improved Verbal IQ After 20 Days of Exposure to Music-Based Cognitive Training ‘Cartoons’
Canadian scientists who specialize in learning, memory and language in children have found exciting evidence that pre-schoolers can improve their verbal intelligence after only 20 days of classroom instruction using interactive, music-based cognitive training cartoons. Visit Page
Mother’s Love May Keep the Doctor Away
Fox News: An extra dose of motherly nurturing insulates children from lifelong health problems associated with poverty, a new study says. The study found that people whose parents did not finish high school were 1.4 Visit Page
Doubts raised over dyslexia diagnoses
The Telegraph: Dyslexia is defined as reading achievement “substantially below that expected” for a person’s age, intelligence and education level, according to a widely used guide, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Consequently Visit Page