Consistency Of A Mother’s Psychological State Vital To Child Development, New Study Shows
The Huffington Post: Developing infants can sense what their mothers are feeling, but in an unusual twist, authors of a new study suggest it isn’t necessarily a woman’s mental state that matters — i.e. whether Visit Page
Babies may benefit from moms’ lasting melancholy
ScienceNews: A double dose of mom’s depression may do a baby good. Infants generally thrive physically and mentally if their mothers’ emotional condition, whether healthy or depressed, remains stable before and after birth, say psychologist Visit Page
Mom-to-Be’s Mental State May Affect Child’s Development
U.S. News & World Report: A fetus is sensitive to, and can be affected by, the expectant mother’s mental state, a new study suggests. University of California, Irvine, researchers recruited pregnant women and tested them Visit Page
Taming temper tantrums: Are you doing it wrong?
Today: Research shows that 70 percent of children throw temper tantrums, according to parenting expert Michele Borba. Wait, what? Who are these 30 percent of calm children, and where can I get one? Just kidding Visit Page
Kid apps explode on smartphones and tablets. But are they good for your children?
The Washington Post: There has been no definitive study that shows whether apps on mobile devices are harmful for youths. And although lawmakers and regulators have been seeking to strengthen federal rules that protect the Visit Page
The Science of Success
The Atlantic: In 2004, Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg, a professor of child and family studies at Leiden University, started carrying a video camera into homes of families whose 1-to-3-year-olds indulged heavily in the oppositional, aggressive, uncooperative, and Visit Page