Ken Robinson: Changing education paradigms
Ken Robinson’s observations of intersections between education and psychology come delivered through some delightful animations. He peers into three of the most disconcerting elements of the school system — an increase in ADD and ADHD Visit Page
Fatherhood can be the birth of positive change
Los Angeles Times: Ten tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes may be enough to change men’s lives in ways they never thought possible. A recent study found that some men dropped their delinquent ways when Visit Page
Why all parents have a favourite child
The Telegraph: In front of me I have two so-called “baby books”, both given to me as presents, in which I was supposed to chronicle the infant achievements of my sons, George and Johnny. George’s Visit Page
Breast-Feeding Is Important to Mother-Baby Bonding
TIME: Breast milk may be the key to mother-baby bonding, according to research that found that breast-feeding mothers demonstrate stronger brain responses when they hear their baby cry. They’re also more likely than formula-feeding moms Visit Page
Montgomery County school chief starts special book club
The Washington Post: Montgomery County Superintendent Joshua P. Starr offered a glimpse of his educational philosophy, and his cerebral personality, during his first official book club gathering last week. The auditorium of the central office Visit Page
La depresión antes o después del embarazo afecta el desarrollo del bebé
AOL Latino: Un nuevo estudio ha demostrado que los bebés pueden percibir lo que sus madres están sintiendo y que pueden verse afectas por el estado sicológico de su progenitora tanto antes como después de Visit Page