Parents Are an ‘Untapped Resource’ to Push STEM, Study Says
Education Week: Sometimes a little effort can go a long way. A new study suggests that a fairly simple intervention with parents can translate into their teenage children getting more STEM education. The field experiment Visit Page
Parents can play active role in making teens interested in math and science
Asia News International: Experts in research and policy have examined different ways to enhance and promote STEM education – science, technology, engineering and math – among students, but most of these efforts are focused within Visit Page
Want to Get Teens Interested in Math and Science? Target Their Parents
Efforts focused on increasing students’ interest in STEM often take place within the classroom, but findings suggest that parents can play an important role in these efforts. Visit Page
Cursing kids: Are parents to blame?
The Sunday Telegraph: SONGS, the internet and television are full of it, but it seems it’s mum and dad who make the rules on swearing. Kids are swearing earlier and more prolifically than ever before Visit Page
Hitting Your Kids Increases Their Risk of Mental Illness
TIME: What if we, as a society, could cut down on the incidence of mental illness by backing away from hitting, grabbing or pushing our children? That’s a prospect raised by a new study in Visit Page
Parents Especially Dads Are Happier than their Childless Pals. (Happy Father’s Day.)
TIME: Consider it an early Father’s Day present, guys: your kids — yes, the ones who wake you up in the middle of the night and demand to be fed three meals a day — Visit Page