Shifting the focus from IQ and test scores to traits of perseverance, curiosity, and grit for long term success in kids
NBC: In the guest spot today is contributing writer of the New York Magazine is Paul Tough, he’s author of “How Children Succeed”. He said character traits and not IQ determine success in life. Hopefully Visit Page
What price spying?
Chicago Tribune: Using technology of any kind to keep tabs on older children can improve or damage the parent/child relationship. It depends how you use it, says Patrick Kelly, a child and adolescent psychiatrist at Visit Page
Failure Is an Option
Parents Magazine: Whenever Helena Bogosian takes her daughters, Margot, 5, and Nina, 4, out to eat, she asks if they can have the same toy in their kids’ meal so neither feels slighted. But one Visit Page
Sex, Drugs and Raising Kids
The Huffington Post: “Anything in moderation,” the saying goes. But does this wisdom apply to the decisions we make as parents? The temptation exists, particularly when our kids are young, to try to shield them Visit Page
‘Power Punch Broccoli’? New Names Spice Up Veggies
ABC: Forget plain old carrots and boring broccoli. Rebranding these veggies as “X-ray Vision Carrots” or “Power Punch Broccoli” helps more kids eat healthy at school, according to a new study. The study, published in Visit Page
Should bullies be labeled early?
The Globe and Mail: If you could spot a bully at 10 paces, would you? Parents of children who have been victimized would adamantly say yes. They eagerly jump on new research that suggests the Visit Page