Tips For Improving Your Teens’ Sleep Schedule
The Wall Street Journal: Many parents wrestle with helping their teenagers get enough sleep, especially when high school classes start before dawn. Battling early school start times and teens’ changing body clocks, which pressure them Visit Page
How to Raise a Little Liberal (or Conservative)
Pacific Standard: Parents: Do you find yourselves arguing with your adult children over who deserves to win the upcoming election? Does it confuse and frustrate you to realize your political viewpoints are so different? Newly Visit Page
Some parents don’t know how to handle kids’ deceit
USA Today: Though children may not think they’re doing anything wrong, more than one-third of 3-year-olds lie. And by the time they are 4 to 7, half of the tykes tell “non-truths.” Those findings are Visit Page
Why We Should Take Fewer Pictures of Our Children
The New York Times: “I want to look at pictures on daddy’s phone!” I can’t recall when this entreaty started. I only know it has been repeated like a mantra nearly every day by my Visit Page
The Competing Views on Competition
The New York Times: JUST before bedtime on a recent night, two toddlers marched reluctantly to the bathroom to brush their teeth. And on the way, my four-year-old son told his little sister: “I’m going Visit Page
Can Marriage Save Single Mothers From Poverty?
NPR: Newly released census figures show a long-standing and glaring contrast: A third of families headed by single mothers are in poverty, and they are four times more likely than married-couple families to be poor. Visit Page