Raising Children With an Attitude of Gratitude
The Wall Street Journal: Ben Gantert, 12, center, washes dishes near his father, Kurt Gantert, left, sister Amelie Gantert, 9, near right, and mother Gabrielle Toledano in San Francisco. The family assigns each child chores Visit Page
Findings, Not Intentions, Motivated Controversy
The following is in response to your cover story “Inconvenient Truth-Tellers” in the November 2013 Observer: As someone with extensive (adverse) experience saying things, based on research, that people inside and outside of the academy Visit Page
One Sibling Works for B’s; One Gets Easy A’s
The New York Times: Two weeks ago, I was hanging out after a speaking engagement, answering questions and chatting with some parents, when two women approached me with a great Parent-Teacher Conference question. These moms Visit Page
Stress, Poverty, and Ethnicity Linked Among Young Parents
An avalanche of chronic stress — driven by concerns ranging from parenting to discrimination — disproportionately affects poor mothers and fathers, according to the first results from a comprehensive multi-state study. “Those who are poor Visit Page
PG-13 movies match R rating for violence, study says
The Washington Post: The prevalence of gun violence in top PG-13 movies has more than tripled since the rating was introduced in the mid-1980s, and last year it eclipsed even the amount in R-rated movies Visit Page
Perspectives Reviews 25 Years of Science
The journal Perspectives on Psychological Science continues to recognize the 25th anniversary of APS by featuring a series of special sections that take a look at how the field has changed over the last 25 Visit Page