‘Like Little Language Vacuum Cleaners,’ Kids Suck Up Swear Words
NPR: Most parents are pretty concerned about their kids using foul language. Dr. Timothy Jay, a psychologist and expert in swearing, says parents worried about bad words might be fighting a losing battle.   Visit Page
Raising a Moral Child
The New York Times: What does it take to be a good parent? We know some of the tricks for teaching kids to become high achievers. For example, research suggests that when parents praise effort Visit Page
Young Children Take Authoritarian Cues From Their Parents
Some people bridle at the very idea of having to bend to authority. Others, however, value following a leader and playing by the rules, a trait that researchers refer to as “authoritarianism.” Studies suggest that Visit Page
Parents, Wired to Distraction
The New York Times: Every age of parenthood — and parenthood at every age — yields some discouraging metric, some new rating system on which parents can be judged and found wanting. We endlessly jury Visit Page
How Not To Name Your Baby
NPR: Six weeks ago today, I gave birth to a baby girl. Like her older sister, she spent the first few days of life without a name. You see, my husband and I wanted to Visit Page
Orphans’ Lonely Beginnings Reveal How Parents Shape A Child’s Brain
NPR: Parents do a lot more than make sure a child has food and shelter, researchers say. They play a critical role in brain development. More than a decade of research on children raised in Visit Page