New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Greater Maternal Insensitivity in Childhood Predicts Greater Electrodermal Reactivity During Conflict Discussions With Romantic Partners in Adulthood Lee Raby, Glenn I. Roisman, Jeffry A. Simpson, W. A. Visit Page
‘Baby Talk’ Is Less Clear Than Normal Speech
People tend to speak more slowly, use a sing-song voice, and use cutesy words like “tummy” when speaking to babies and small children. While we might be inclined to think that this kind of “baby Visit Page
‘Baby-talk’ might not be easy to understand for kids, study finds
PBS: Parents may be using “baby-talk” when speaking to infants with the goal of making it easier for babies to understand, but a new Japanese study shows this may have the opposite effect. Two research Visit Page
How Do We Respond to Parenthood?
Pacific Standard: Yes, men have a harder time than women adjusting to life as new parents. But that blanket statement covers up important differences between individual men and women—specifically how those differences affect couples making Visit Page
Parenting Advice From ‘America’s Worst Mom’
The New York Times: Lenore Skenazy, a New York City mother of two, earned the sobriquet “America’s Worst Mom” after reporting in a newspaper column that she had allowed her younger son, then 9, to ride the Visit Page
Mothers’ “Baby Talk” Is Less Clear Than Their Adult Speech
People tend to have a distinctive way of talking to babies and small children: We speak more slowly, using a sing-song voice, and tend to use cutesy words like “tummy”. While we might be inclined Visit Page