Science of Learning Can Help Parents, Developers Grade Educational Apps
A comprehensive research report provides an evidence-based guide that parents, educators, and app designers alike can use to evaluate the quality of so-called “educational” apps. Visit Page
Word Gap? How About Conversation Gap?
The Huffington Post: The Clinton Foundation sponsors an initiative called Too Small to Fail, which aims to help low-income parents better prepare their children for school. Many children who grow up in poverty enter school Visit Page
Do Parents Nurture Narcissists By Pouring On The Praise?
NPR: When a kid does something amazing, you want to tell her so. You might tell her that she’s very smart. You might tell her that she’s a very special kid. Or you might say Visit Page
Bridging the Conversation Gap
The Clinton Foundation sponsors an initiative called Too Small to Fail, which aims to help low-income parents better prepare their children for school. Many children who grow up in poverty enter school already far behind Visit Page
How to Manage Media in Families
The New York Times: Parents have a love-hate relationship with firsts. Some they like: the first smile, the first steps, the first sleeping through the night. Others they dread: the first flu, the first tantrum Visit Page
What Children Think of the Internet (and Why It Matters)
The New York Times: On a recent late afternoon, my 5-year-old son requested pizza for dinner, as he does pretty much every day. I wasn’t sure if we had one in the freezer. “Let’s ask Visit Page