The Best Screen Time
Slate: BOSTON—The library in Boston’s Haynes Early Education Center is a bright, cheery space filled with well-stocked bookcases, tables ringed by small wooden chairs, art supplies, cushions for story time, and dozens of laminated vocabulary Visit Page
Kids of Helicopter Parents Are Sputtering Out
Slate: Academically overbearing parents are doing great harm. So says Bill Deresiewicz in his groundbreaking 2014 manifesto Excellent Sheep: The Miseducation of the American Elite and the Way to a Meaningful Life. “[For students] haunted Visit Page
How to Be a Better Parent
Scientific American: God help me, being a parent is hard. It’s not necessarily the basic Abraham Maslow’s “hierarchy of needs” stuff that gets me, although providing for one’s family is a daily pressure. No, what Visit Page
Child advocacy groups say YouTube Kids rife with ‘inappropriate’ videos
NBC News: The Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood and the Center for Digital Democracy on Tuesday stepped up their criticism of the site, saying it is “rife” with content unsuitable for children. They filed an Visit Page
4 tips to seeing if an educational app will actually help your child learn
Mashable: Imagine someone telling you that a new technology would be available in five years that has the potential to revolutionize childhood and early education. But the downside is that you will have to choose Visit Page
Smart tips for parents about “educational” apps for kids
CBS: Tens of thousands of supposedly educational apps aimed at young children are little more than “digital candy” that offer few benefits for youngsters, according to a new study. The research, published in the journal Visit Page