Les devoirs de maths de votre enfant vous stressent? Ne l’aidez pas! (Your child’s math homework stresses you out? Don’t help!)
Slate.fr: Les maths vous donnent des sueurs froides? Posez ce stylo, cette calculatrice et éloignez-vous tout de suite de cet enfant. C’est, plus ou moins, la recommandation faite par les chercheurs de l’université de Chicago Visit Page
Relax: Daycare Doesn’t Make Kids Aggressive!
Parenting: Parents who work tend to stress about sending their children to daycare. But a new study involving almost 1,000 Norwegian children enrolled in daycare found that spending time in childcare settings had little impact on aggressive behavior. The Visit Page
Square Root of Kids’ Math Anxiety: Their Parents’ Help
The New York Times: A common impairment with lifelong consequences turns out to be highly contagious between parent and child, a new study shows. The impairment? Math anxiety. Means of transmission? Homework help. Children of Visit Page
A New Study Says Daycare Doesn’t Make Kids Aggressive
Parents: If you’re worried that your little tyke is picking up some bullying behavior from daycare, relax: A recent study has found that the amount of time kids spend in daycare has little effect on aggressive Visit Page
Study finds parents can give their kids anxiety about math
TODAY: A new study in the journal Psychological Science by researchers at the University of Chicago finds that “when parents are more math anxious, their children learn significantly less math over the school year and Visit Page
Daycare Doesn’t Lead to Aggressive Behavior in Toddlers
Working parents often worry about sending their toddlers to daycare. But the results of a new study that tracked almost 1,000 Norwegian children enrolled in daycare indicate that working parents can breathe a sigh of Visit Page