Working parents have two jobs — and both are important to the economy
PBS: Nearly one in five workers work part-time in the U.S. By 2020, that figure is expected to rise to 40 percent. By 2030, “a majority of workers will be on their own,” according to Visit Page
Your perfectionist parenting style may be detrimental to your child
The Washington Post: Even if you were horrified at the idea of hovering over your child as Amy Chua did in her polarizing 2011 bestseller “The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” I’m betting there was a part of you Visit Page
Phone-Sick at Camp
The New York Times: Leaving for sleepaway camp is, for many children, a major step toward independence. Today, when cellphones keep parents and children in nearly constant contact, the fact that most camps have phone-free policies Visit Page
Gopnik Shares Research on Parenting and Learning
Modern parents try to raise their children to become smart, successful, happy adults. But this goal-centered concept of parenting is profoundly wrong, both scientifically and practically, says psychological scientist Alison Gopnik. An internationally recognized expert Visit Page
Small talk: Electronic media keeping kids from communicating with parents
ScienceDaily: It happens in many households. Kids are tapping on their cell phones or are preoccupied by their favorite TV show as their parents ask them a question or want them to do a chore. Visit Page
How To Teach Children That Failure Is The Secret To Success
NPR: Is failure a positive opportunity to learn and grow, or is it a negative experience that hinders success? How parents answer that question has a big influence on how much children think they can Visit Page