Why parenting tweenage children is more stressful than the terrible twos
Independent: The exhausted, sleep-deprived mothers of babies and toddlers may appear to be grappling with the most stressful period of their child’s lives, but experts believe it is in fact the ‘perfect storm’ of the tween Visit Page
One Mistake That Can Affect Your Child’s Weight
Real Simple: Parents who think their children are overweight may trigger a self-fulfilling prophecy, according to a new analysis of two decade-long studies. Kids whose parents considered them chunky at age 4 or 5 tended Visit Page
Children Gain More Weight When Parents See Them as ‘Overweight’
Children whose parents considered them to be ‘overweight’ gained more weight over the following decade compared with those whose parents thought they were ‘normal weight,’ according to data from two nationally representative studies. Visit Page
How to Help Kids Learn to Love Giving
The Huffington Post: During the holidays, opportunities abound to help kids understand why and how to help people in need, with food drives proliferating and countless organizations making pitches for end-of-year donations. And there’s scientific Visit Page
The Ideal Mother Vs. The Ideal Worker
NPR: A couple of weeks ago, I participated in a panel discussion about motherhood in academia. Along with other female professors with children, I answered questions from the audience, most of whom were female Ph.D. Visit Page
Children Can ‘Catch’ Social Bias Through Nonverbal Signals Expressed by Adults
Preschool-aged children can learn bias even through nonverbal signals displayed by adults, such as a condescending tone of voice or a disapproving look. Visit Page