How parents can help introverts thrive (without trying to turn them into extroverts)
The Washington Post: In sixth grade, Marsha Pinto’s teacher wanted her to talk more loudly and more often, repeatedly telling Pinto that she would never succeed if she didn’t participate in class discussions and group Visit Page
A Day In The Life Of An Academic Mom
NPR: Blogger Tania Lombrozo is an academic — and a mom. Here, she gives a window into what that’s like day-to-day. 6:00 a.m. I’m yanked from sleep by the little one calling from her room. Visit Page
Language Lessons Start in the Womb
The New York Times: New research is teasing out more of the profoundly miraculous process of language learning in babies. And it turns out that even more is going on prenatally than previously suspected. By Visit Page
When Children Beat Adults at Seeing the World
The Wall Street Journal: A few years ago, in my book “The Philosophical Baby,” I speculated that children might actually be more conscious, or at least more aware of their surroundings, than adults. Lots of Visit Page
Turning the “Motherhood Penalty” into a “Breadwinner Bonus”
Working mothers are often offered lower salaries and fewer leadership opportunities compared to working fathers, but this penalty can be reduced by framing women as “breadwinners.” Visit Page
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
Featured articles: “Why Don’t Psychologists Know More About Childbirth?” and “People Need People: Why Close Relationships Predict Health” Visit Page