The Working World Has a Sleep Crisis
The United States is facing a public health crisis when it comes to sleep, and psychological scientists are calling for action. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends at least 10 hours of daily Visit Page
The Key to Creativity May be in Imagining the Details
Beyond recruiting staff that has the right skills, qualifications, and education for the job, organizations are increasingly looking for ways to boost another key component of success—creativity. In a study recently published in Psychological Science Visit Page
A Full Night’s Sleep Boosts Satisfaction with Work
Treating workers’ sleep problems may be one way to improve employee satisfaction on the job, according to new research. After analyzing data from nearly 5,000 employed adults, a team of psychological scientists from Stockholm University Visit Page
Benefitting from Nepotism Carries Hidden Costs
From politics to Hollywood, it’s not always what you know but who you know that gets you the job. The right family contacts have helped generations of well-connected children climb the corporate ladder. But new Visit Page
Optimism for Technology May Bias Financial Decisions
Facebook claims more than 1 billion users, and Apple is widely cited as the world’s most valuable company. Constant technological innovation over the past few decades influences almost every aspect of our daily lives. However Visit Page
Preventing Job Turnover By Identifying What Makes People “Seekers” or “Stayers”
The days of having employees who stick with one job for their entire career may be over. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American employee will stay in their current job for Visit Page