Dominant Leaders are Bad for Groups. Why Do They Succeed?
Dominant group members tend to view others as either allies or foes as a way of evaluating their usefulness.
Motivating Messages Differ for Underdogs and Favorites
To craft motivating messages, you need to know which side your target audience is on: the favorite or the underdog.
The 2017-2018 APS Board
Suparna Rajaram is the new APS President. Susan Goldin-Meadow becomes Immediate Past President. Barbara G. Tversky becomes President-Elect, and Stacey Sinclair and Howard M. Weiss begin 3-year terms as Members-at-Large.
Strangers Can Detect Social Class in Just Seven Words
New research shows that a person’s social class is communicated in very brief interactions and maybe even in a few words.
Mean Bosses Make Themselves Miserable, Too
Powerful people who engaged in abusive behavior directed at employees paid the price later with lowered well-being.
How To Build A Better Team? New Meta-analysis Says Active Learning
A new meta-analysis suggest that team-building interventions that utilize an interactive component can significantly improve team performance.