Biology Beats Calories in Matters of Weight
Calorie intake and energy expenditure do not explain body weight to the extent that scientists once thought.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring statistical learning in speech segmentation and links between weight-related perceptions and long-term health outcomes.
Children Gain More Weight When Parents See Them as ‘Overweight’
Children whose parents considered them to be ‘overweight’ gained more weight over the following decade compared with those whose parents thought they were ‘normal weight,’ according to data from two nationally representative studies.
NIH-Funded Course on “Strengthening Casual Inference in Behavioral Obesity Research”
The University of Alabama at Birmingham invites you to join their NIH-funded short course on “Strengthening Causal Inference in Behavioral Obesity Research,” scheduled to take place Monday through Friday, July 24–28, 2017. The program aims
How The Food Industry Helps Engineer Our Cravings
NPR: It is no secret that the rise in obesity in America has something to do with food. But how much? And what role does the food industry as a whole play? As part of
Freedom from want
The Boston Globe: AMONG NON-OBESE college students who were allowed to eat as many cookies as they wanted, students who had grown up poor as children ate the same amount regardless of how hungry they