In battle for nonverbal dominance at U.S.-Russia summit, Putin was the clear winner, experts say
Carrie Keating was almost slack-jawed with amazement by the end of President Trump’s news conference with Russian leader Vladimir Putin Monday. Keating has studied the nonverbal gestures of politicians for three decades, but she found
To Reduce Sexual Misconduct, Help People Understand How Their Advances Might Be Received
The revelations of the #MeToo movement seem to have caught many men by surprise. Comedian Aziz Ansari was “surprised and concerned,” believing his encounter with a woman to be “by all indications completely consensual.” Well-known
Why It Seems as if Everyone Is Always Angry With You
Why do you look so angry? This article hasn’t even begun and already you disapprove. Why can’t I ever win with you? I see it in your face. If this sounds unfamiliar, good for you.
How Exactly Does Autism Muddy Communication?
The quirks in Ramsey Brewer’s conversation are subtle. The 17-year-old repeats himself from time to time and makes small mistakes in the words he uses. For instance, he says he and his best friend look
Experimenters’ Expectations May Shape Priming Results
How do your expectations about an interaction affect the outcome? In any social situation, the beliefs you’ve developed over time can influence the way you behave towards and react to a conversation partner. Although you
Living in Harmony: The Dynamics of Social Coordination
Social scientists outline the affective, social, and environmental cues that promote social coordination among individuals, teams, and entire societies.