Breakthroughs and Discoveries in Psychological Science: 2020 Year in Review
A selection of some of APS’s most newsworthy research and highly cited publications from 2020.
People with Blindness Have Refined Spatial Hearing
Does loss of sight enhance a person’s sense of hearing? New research supports this commonly held belief in one intriguing way: by testing blind people’s ability to navigate their surroundings. [September 15, 2020]
Claiming Journalism Is ‘Fake News’ May Satisfy a Personal Need for an Orderly World
People may use the term “fake news” to satisfy their need for structure in the world.
Scanning the Brain to Predict Behavior, a Daunting ‘Task’ for MRI
New research indicates that task-fMRI lacks the reliability to predict individual behavior or how a person might respond to mental-health therapies. [June 3, 2020]
APS Backgrounder Series: Psychological Science and COVID-19: Remaining Resilient During a Pandemic
Expert commentary from APS Fellow George A. Bonanno, on the topic of resilience at a time of loss and trauma. [March 31, 2020]
Could this be the cure for fake news?
For decades, medicine has provided us with an easy way to prevent diseases: vaccines. Most of us are familiar with how a vaccine works – it exposes our bodies to weakened versions of a virus