Bound by Attention: Bringing Rats and Humans Together
When picking through a basket of fruit, it doesn’t seem very difficult to recognize a green pear from a green apple. This is easy, thanks to “feature binding” – a process by which our brain Visit Page
Special Neuroscience Issue
The April issue of Current Directions in Psychological Science is a special neuroscience edition, synthesizing the latest research in this cutting edge field. The articles in this issue detail neural mechanisms involved in perception, attention Visit Page
Study Offers Clues into Rumination, Symptoms of Severe Depression
One of the most difficult and paradoxical symptoms of depression is obsessive thinking about the disease itself. Many people suffering from depression describe not only an inability to banish sad memories, but also a preoccupation Visit Page
Mirror Neurons: How We Reflect on Behavior
In the mid-1990s, scientists at the University of Parma, in Italy, made a discovery so novel that it shifted the way psychologists discuss the brain. After researchers implanted electrodes into the heads of monkeys, they Visit Page
Society for Neuroeconomics
What do you get when you mix one part psychology, one part neuroscience, and one part economics? A cocktail called the Society for Neuroeconomics. Five years ago, Gregory Berns, Emory University, organized an informal meeting Visit Page
Documenting a Neuroscientific Revolution in the Making
We tend to think of science and religion as polar opposites, even antagonistic toward one another, and for good reason: The Catholic Church spent centuries persecuting any scientist who dared to challenge theological dogma, and Visit Page