Talk Therapy May Help Treat Social Anxiety
WebMD: A 12-week course of talk therapy, when used to treat social anxiety disorder, produces changes in the electrical activity of the brain, according to new research. The findings appear in Psychological Science. Symptoms of Visit Page
Neuroscience in the Real World
Neuroscience was born from a simple question— how does the brain work? — and its applications originally focused on the diagnosis and treatment of neurological and psychiatric diseases. But neuroscience “has rappelled down from the Visit Page
‘Talk Therapy’ Can Alter Brain Activity, Research Shows
Bloomberg (HealthDay): Psychotherapy triggers changes in the brains of people with social anxiety disorder, finds a new study. Medication and psychotherapy are used to treat people with social anxiety, a common disorder in which people Visit Page
Does Social Anxiety Disorder Respond to Psychotherapy? Brain Study Says Yes
When psychotherapy is helping someone get better, what does that change look like in the brain? This was the question a team of Canadian psychological scientists set out to investigate in patients suffering from social Visit Page
Will Your Love Last? Your Brain Might Hold the Answer
ABC News: Sometime tonight between the roses, the Champagne and the chocolates, couples across the U.S. and elsewhere will sit down to an intimate Valentine’s dinner, stare soulfully into each other’s eyes and perhaps take Visit Page
Opportunities and Challenges in Social Neuroscience
The unifying Opportunities and Challenges in Social Neuroscience conference at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, is bringing together psychological scientists from around the world to discuss the directions that neuroscience is heading. New techniques resulting from advances in Visit Page