New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of articles exploring neuropsychological assessment, gender differences in stress reactivity and its relationship with depression, and social-support figures and fear extinction.
The Hidden Costs of Sleep Deficits
Throughout modern history, the concept of a good night’s sleep has often been painted as almost an indulgence. Virginia Woolf referred to it as “that deplorable curtailment of the joy of life.” Vladimir Nabokov called
A Magnetic Field: Psychological Scientists Lead fMRI Labs
Once the domain of medical schools, brain imaging labs are increasingly interdisciplinary and thriving under the leadership of psychology departments.
Scientists Explore the Brain’s Navigational Capacity
Participants in the 2016 Presidential Symposium hosted by APS President C. Randy Gallistel included Nobel Laureate Edvard Moser of Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience and Norwegian University of Science and Technology, pioneering cognitive psychologist Barbara Tversky
Clinical Psychological Science Illuminates Need for Multilevel Studies of Antisocial Behavior
Antisocial behavior is a construct in clinical psychological science that encompasses many different behaviors and diagnoses. Behaviors as common as cheating, lying, and use of illicit substances are considered antisocial, as are aggression, theft, and
Louder Than Words
From facial cues to physical stances, our nonverbal expressions speak volumes to others. APS Fellows Klaus Scherer and Beatrice de Gelder and other researchers share the latest science on communication in the absence of speech.