Broken Hearts Really Hurt
“Broken-hearted” isn’t just a metaphor—social pain and physical pain have a lot in common, according to Naomi Eisenberger of the University of Califiornia-Los Angeles, the author of a new paper published in Current Directions in Visit Page
Can you really be addicted to the internet?
The Guardian: Several reports today suggest that a study of the brains of people who excessively use the internet show abnormalities similar to those found in people with substance addictions could be proof that the Visit Page
Why make New Year resolutions if genes and environment decide our behaviour rather than free will?
Irish Times: THE NEW YEAR is a time for resolutions. You promise to take up jogging, spend more time with friends, do good works or maybe smile a little more frequently. But are you fundamentally Visit Page
Tal Yarkoni
University of Colorado at Boulder http://talyarkoni.org What does your research focus on? Most of my current research focuses on what you might call psychoinformatics: the application of information technology to psychology, with the aim of Visit Page
Winnie-the-Pooh and the Pervasiveness of Egocentric Bias: Why We Are All THAT Sort of Bear
Scientific American: This past week, Winnie-the-Pooh just wouldn’t let me go. Please write about me, he kept whining. And when I told him I’d already written about him last week, he just looked confused. So Visit Page
Le 20éme Prix de Neuropsychologie Jean-Louis Signoret de la Fondation Ipsen est attribué au Pr. Patricia K. Kuhl
Yahoo! France: Le jury international, présidé par le Pr. Albert Galaburda (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA), a décerné le 29 novembre 2011 le 20ème Prix de Neuropsychologie Jean-Louis Signoret de la Fondation Ipsen (20.000€) au Pr. Visit Page