Studies Explore Interplay Between Self-Control, Reward Processing, and Diet
Two new studies investigate the relationship between self-control and reward processing for chronic dieters and people who would like to control their food intake. The Future Is Now: Reducing Impulsivity and Energy Intake Using Episodic Visit Page
Looking Beyond the ‘Neuro’ Revolution in Psychological Science
There are generations of scientists in every discipline that share similar sensibilities. Much like there are Baby Boomers, Gen X’ers, and Millennials who are shaped by the cultural trends and societal opportunities that helped define Visit Page
Remembering to Remember Supported by Two Distinct Brain Processes
You plan on shopping for groceries later and you tell yourself that you have to remember to take the grocery bags with you when you leave the house. Lo and behold, you reach the check-out Visit Page
The Neuroscience of Social Influence
Scientific American: Before I wrote this article, I went through two stages. In the first stage, I cruised the academic journals for interesting papers. Once I found a study that grabbed me, I entered phase Visit Page
Do you have brain power to make an idea go viral?
The Boston Globe: What distinguishes a hot new idea from one that’s destined to be a dud? University of California, Los Angeles, researchers explored what they called the “buzz effect” by recruiting nearly 100 undergraduate Visit Page
How the Brain Creates the ‘Buzz’ That Helps Ideas Spread
How do ideas spread? Are we able to predict what messages will go viral on social media? New research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, takes a significant step Visit Page