Individual Brain Activity Predicts Tendency to Succumb to Daily Temptations
Activity in areas of the brain related to reward and self-control may offer neural markers that predict whether people are likely to resist or give in to temptations, like food. Visit Page
Did You Hear That? Specific Brain Activity Linked With Imagined Hearing
Being able to distinguish what is real and what is not may seem pretty basic, but the inability to perform this task could be a marker of many psychiatric disorders. This task, known to researchers Visit Page
Study: It’s Not Too Much Desire, But Too Little Self-Control That Gets Us Into Trouble
Forbes: Imagine a seesaw in your brain. On one side is your desire system, the network of brain areas related to seeking pleasure and reward. On the other side is your self-control system, the network Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Loss Attention in a Dual-Task Setting Eldad Yechiam and Guy Hochman Can losses actually make you perform better? The authors tested the hypothesis known as the loss-attention Visit Page
The ‘Heartwarming’ Nature of Social Bonds
Emotional connections with others are one of the fundamental ingredients for a happy and fulfilled life. Seeking out these connections often feels good, providing a kind of social “warmth.” New research published in Psychological Science Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Genes for Emotion-Enhanced Remembering Are Linked to Enhanced Perceiving Rebecca M. Todd, Daniel J. Müller, Daniel H. Lee, Amanda Robertson, Tayler Eaton, Natalie Freeman, Daniela J. Visit Page