Thoughts on the Future of Data Sharing
A number of policy changes are occurring that could profoundly affect our science, perhaps in unanticipated ways. Unfortunately, many of these changes are being formulated without sufficient input from psychological scientists, even though components of Visit Page
Confidentiality, Privacy, and Institutional Review Boards
Anthony E. Kelly is Professor of Educational Psychology at George Mason University and is a Senior Advisor to the Directorate of Education and Human Resources at the National Science Foundation. Kelly’s interest in research methodology Visit Page
Magritte’s Mystery and the DSM’s Disorders
The fields of psychology and psychiatry are now truly international. Thus, ideas emerging in English-speaking countries often have a large effect on psychological work in non-English-speaking countries. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Visit Page
Juvenile Justice for Some
I have known Sandra Graham’s work nearly my entire career, for years before I met her. She is a leader among developmental scientists studying aggression, educational outcomes, social cognition, and issues related to the role Visit Page
Contributions of Psychology to Psychiatry
In prior presidential columns published in the Observer, authors have discussed the role of psychology in relation to various disciplines in science (in terms of measures or cocitations; Cacioppo, September 2007) and the relation of Visit Page
The Importance of Psychological Research at NICHD
Many psychological scientists who have conducted research for some time have a home or favorite funding agency. Mine is the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Although NICHD supports Visit Page