New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring brain networks involved in sustained attention and individual differences in music reward. Visit Page
Here’s What Your Favorite Music Says About Your Personality
Your taste in music could reveal insights into your personality, according to two studies published in Psychological Science. Researchers from Cambridge and US universities surveyed more than 21,000 people in two separate online surveys to see Visit Page
Making Thinking Visible
APS President Barbara Tversky welcomes researchers and experts in the arts to show how our creative pursuits help us forge connections between our internal and external worlds. Visit Page
How Sound Becomes Music
What makes a lullaby recognizable around the world? Why does thrash metal enthrall some and repulse others? Psychological scientists are discovering the reasons why music plays such a central role in our lives. Visit Page
Singing With My Grandbaby
I can’t explain the first song I crooned to my sleeping granddaughter, just hours old and bundled like a burrito in a hospital blanket and striped cap. Not Brahms, which would have been classy. Not Visit Page
How Music Can Fight Prejudice
The outpouring of hostility toward immigrants and refugees has reminded us that ethnocentrism remains a fact of life in both Europe and the United States. Combating it will require teaching a new generation to view Visit Page