Using Neuroscience to Challenge Our Eyes and Ears
The split-second distinctions made
possible by neuroscience challenge
common understandings of how we
see and hear. Visit Page -
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on theory-of-mind development in deaf children, male variability in cooperation, hypnosis and visual tasks, attitude formation, early training and musical skills, whether children prioritize saving animals, and the use of moral language in the U.S. Congress. Visit Page
Why an Early Start Is Key to Developing Musical Skill Later in Life
Is there a developmental period early in life when the brain is especially receptive to musical training? The answer, according to new research published in the journal Psychological Science, is probably not. Visit Page
Back Page: The Talent Bias
Years of performing as a pianist sparked psychologist Chia-Jung Tsay’s curiosity about perceptions of “natural talent” and other factors that can influence how we evaluate achievements. Visit Page
The world in a song
Although all human cultures appear to create music, the music of different cultures is incredibly varied, leading some scholars to question whether music is really, as Henry Longfellow claimed in 1835, a universal “language” of Visit Page
Cattell Fund Projects Explore Music, Mental Imagery, and Visual Meaning
APS Fellow Brad Wyble of Pennsylvania State University, Andrea Halpern of Bucknell University, and Clayton Curtis of New York University are recipients of fellowships that allow them to extend sabbatical periods for research. Visit Page