Careers Up Close: Amy Belfi on Music Perception and Cognition
Amy Belfi, an assistant professor at Missouri S&T, discusses her research into the impact that audio and music have on the brain—and looking forward to learning more, getting tenure, and playing the upcoming Nintendo Zelda game. Visit Page
What Music Does to Us
Amy Belfi from the Missouri University of Science and Technology joined APS’s Ludmila Nunes to speak about her career as a neuroscientist studying music perception and cognition as well as how poetry and other forms of art can impact the brain and behavior. Visit Page
Playing an Instrument Is Linked to Better Cognition
From strumming a guitar next to a campfire to entertaining guests with a piano piece at a formal dinner, being able to play a musical instrument is unquestionably rewarding. Yet, evidence suggests that the rewards go Visit Page
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on brain and learning, handedness in primates, cognitive modeling and large-scale digital data, language, blame, credibility in psychological science, musical synchrony, innovations in clinical science and assessment. Visit Page
The Brain’s ‘Prediction Machine’ Anticipates the Future When Listening to Music
New research explores the brain’s “prediction machine” capabilities by examining how we experience music. Visit Page
How Music Can Literally Heal the Heart
In a maverick method, nephrologist Michael Field taught medical students to decipher different heart murmurs through their stethoscopes, trills, grace notes, and decrescendos to describe the distinctive sounds of heart valves snapping closed, and blood ebbing through Visit Page