Mining the Minds of Multitaskers
We multitask all the time — organizing to-do lists while answering emails, at the same time we’re checking in with colleagues, for example. The emerging consensus from scientific research tells us that this multitasking is
Cold, Hard Truth: Most People Can’t Handle Multitasking
Inc.: You’ve probably heard by now that multitasking simply doesn’t work. One study out of University of London showed that multitasking lowers your IQ by around 10 points, while Harvard Medical School declared war on
Multitask Masters
The New Yorker: In 2012, David Strayer found himself in a research lab, on the outskirts of London, observing something he hadn’t thought possible: extraordinary multitasking. For his entire career, Strayer, a professor of psychology
Brain Training Exercises Won’t Boost Intelligence, But Could Improve Memory
The Huffington Post: Brain training exercises can boost your memory, but don’t expect them to make you any smarter, a new study says. Researchers from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Arizona State University, Michigan State
Allenare il cervello migliora la memoria, non l’intelligenza (Brain training improves memory, not intelligence)
La Stampa: Dai videogiochi ai siti web, fino alle applicazioni del cellulare, sono migliaia i programmi per “allenare il cervello” che promettono di accrescere le performance cognitive: a quanto pare, però, mentre con il brain
‘Brain Training’ May Boost Working Memory, But Not Intelligence
While brain training programs might strengthen your ability to hold information in mind, they probably won’t benefit the kind of intelligence that helps you reason and solve problems.