The Paradox of Idleness
Would Sisyphus have been happier just sitting in a jail cell, twiddling his thumbs? After all, the punishment Zeus meted out to him was nothing more than make-work: rolling that boulder up the hill again
Increases in Brain’s Motivation can result in Diminished Performance
Choking under pressure affects us all. Psychologists are very interested in this phenomenon, because choking sabotages performance not only in big sports contests but in the classroom and workplace as well. A study published in Psychological
If it’s Hard to Read, it’s Hard to Do: Study Shows Difficult to Read Instructions Decrease Motivation
It is not surprising that people are more willing to participate in a task if it does not require too much effort. What is interesting, however, is the way we determine just how easy a
The Grass is Always Greener…Or is It? The Neural Basis of Searching Behaviors
What motivates some to constantly seek out the next best thing, the greener grass, while others of us are content to stick with what’s known and safe? Our ancient ancestors had to forage in the
Motivational Speakers
Like many people, I start my day with a cup of coffee. A small vice, yes, but I have few reservations about my artificial boost of motivation. This, of course, isn’t the only thing that
“Shoulda, Woulda, Coulda…” New Study Sheds Light on How We Would Have Done Things Differently
If you’re like most people, you’ve probably experienced a shoulda-woulda-coulda moment; a time when we lament our missteps, saying that we should have invested in a certain stock, should have become a doctor instead of