Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Claremont Graduate University James McKeen Cattell Fellow Award Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi has devoted his career to studying what makes people happy. His books and scientific research publications on creativity, innovation, and what makes life worth living
Mieux vaut avoir le même statut marital que son patron (Better to have the same marital status as your boss)
Le Monde: Supposons que vous cherchiez un emploi, et que vous ayez à choisir entre deux entretiens avec un employeur potentiel. Car, pas de chance, ces rendez-vous sont fixés le même jour, à la même
True Grit
It may be obvious that effort and stamina are required to accomplish anything worthwhile in life. But how easy is it to forget this fact in moments when we feel tortoise-like relative to our seemingly hare-like peers?
Reflecting on a Lifetime of Achievement
As part of APS’s 25th Anniversary celebration, the Board of Directors is honoring 25 distinguished scientists who have had a profound impact on the field of psychological science over the past quarter century. Eight individuals
The Mind of the Climate Change Skeptic
A multitude of environmental scientists, among others, worry that future generations will look back at the present era as one in which the human race could have — and should have —taken decisive action to
Thomas Olino
University of Pittsburgh www.dascpitt.org/content/olino-thomas-phd What does your research focus on? My primary line of research examines the role of appetitive motivation in the development of unipolar mood disorders using multiple types of methodologies, including, self-reports