Study: inflated praise is damaging for children with low self-esteem
Wired: As counterintuitive as it may seem, a study has revealed that inflated praise given to children who are suffering from low self-esteem could be detrimental to their ability to overcome their feelings of inadequacy.
How Cyclical Thinking Might Help You Save Money
Pacific Standard: Whether it’s a lack of decent-paying jobs or an advertising-induced confusion between wants and needs or a propensity to spend without simultaneously practicing the refined art of saving, many Americans reside in financially
Stop heaping praise on your kids.
The Washington Post: I’ve done it. You’ve probably done it. And we’re hurting kids when we do. According to the journal Psychological Science, heaping praise on a child with low self-esteem only does more damage.
Why Apple May Struggle to Diversify Its Board
Under pressure from the public and from major shareholders, more and more companies are pushing to diversify leadership. Technology giant Apple emerged this week as the latest corporation promising to add more women and minorities
The Most Focused Kids in the World?
In her new, provocatively titled book The Smartest Kids in the World, journalist Amanda Ripley tells the story of Kim, a 15-year-old Oklahoma girl who has the good fortune to spend a year going to
Parents sinking some kids with their puffed-up praise, study finds
NBC: Moms and dads who bathe kids in exaggerated flattery to boost low self-esteem are stifling the very children they hope to elevate, a new study shows. In experiments involving groups of about 1,000 adults