Parents: beware praise inflation
The Boston Globe: It’s natural for parents to want to heap praise on their children. But depending on the kid, it may not be as helpful as they might think. In a new study, researchers
The Prospect Of Losing Financial Incentives Can Motivate Healthy Eating: Study
The Huffington Post: The prospect of losing out on a deal really can be an effective motivator when it comes to eating healthfully, a new study suggests. Researchers from Tulane University and Duke University found
Die Gier nach mehr ist im Menschen angelegt (The greed for more is invested in people)
Die Welt: Wenn man sich freiwillig als Versuchskaninchen für psychologische Studien hergibt, weiß man ja nie, was einen erwartet. Es kann sein, dass man sich 30 Minuten lang sinnlosen Buchstabensalat auf einem Rechner ansehen und
Can Having a Foreign Accent Hurt Your Career?
English is increasingly considered to be the global language of business. But people who speak it as a second language are generally passed over for top managerial jobs and executive positions, studies have shown. New
Lavishing Kids With Praise Can Make Them Feel Worse About Themselves
The Atlantic: “Hollywood dishes out too much praise for small things,” the great actor Jimmy Stewart once said. “I won’t let it get me, but too much praise can turn a fellow’s head if he
The art of praising children – and knowing when not to
The Guardian: Some parents are blessed with a soul that lights up every time their little precious brings them a carefully crafted portrait or home-made greetings card. I am not one of those parents. It