Fostering Motivation Could Help Keep Marginalized Girls in School
A field study in Malawi indicates that psychological factors play an important role in whether girls attended school, even under conditions of extreme poverty and deprivation
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring parallel processing in a language task, the neural basis of independence versus interdependence orientations, age differences in risky decision making, and switch costs in visual attention.
Psychologist who studies motivation: This will make you more excited about your job
CNBC: Focusing exclusively on money as a means to building a fulfilling career is one of the biggest mistakes a professional can make, according to a behavioral economist who studies motivation. “Our understanding of what
Fun Workplaces Also Promote Learning
A growing body of research has shown that fun in the workplace has important consequences for learning and motivation.
How Praise Became a Consolation Prize
The Atlantic: As a young researcher, Carol Dweck was fascinated by how some children faced challenges and failures with aplomb while others shrunk back. Dweck, now a psychologist at Stanford University, eventually identified two core
Books to Check out: January 2017
Liberation Psychology, Technologies of Mind Management and Self Actualization by Denis Carville; Denis Carville, September 20, 2016. Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations by Dan Ariely; TED Books, Simon & Schuster, November 15