New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on motivation and mental effort, caregiving and development, neuroticism, infants’ motor-skill development, short-term memory, empathy and moral decisions, and attention. Visit Page
New Research in Psychological Science
A sample of research on note-taking, visual processing speed in older adults, logical reasoning in monkeys, narcissism in children, counterfactual curiosity, how narratives can shape attitudes toward immigration, motion perception, and using a distanced diary to train for wisdom. Visit Page
Mind Over Body
Researchers are delving into groundbreaking technologies to observe how modifying our bodies can also lead to profound changes in our sense of self, identity, and cognitive processes. Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring similarity grouping of objects, how motion can induce change blindness, and large-scale computational models of dyslexia. Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring linguistic synchrony in providing emotional support, genetic contribution to variation in risk taking, and the role of biological motion in navigating a crowd. Visit Page
Too Fast, Too Slow: Judging–And Misjudging–Speeds
Video played at different speeds can quickly alter what people perceive as normal speed, which may affect how we drive, play sports, and even make decisions as jury members. Visit Page