The Whistle-Blower’s Quandary
The New York Times: IMAGINE you’re thinking about blowing the whistle on your employer. As the impassioned responses to the actions of whistle-blowers like Edward J. Snowden have reminded us, you face a moral quandary Visit Page
2013 Psi Chi Distinguished Speaker: Charles R. Honts
Lying is a most ubiquitous human behavior. We lie in 25 percent of our interactions, and even trained lie catchers perform near chance. While many of our lies are inconsequential, some have resulted in the Visit Page
Clean Hands = Clean Conscience for People with OCD
Cleaning one’s hands is associated with an alleviation of anxiety from moral misconduct. But this effect is even more pronounced in people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), according to new research published in Clinical Psychological Science. Visit Page
According to Kids, the Moral Obligation Against Harm Doesn’t Apply Equally
Research shows that we tend to show an in-group bias, favoring the interests of our own social group over those of another group. But how do we perceive these biases when they occur in other Visit Page
Don’t Hurt That Robot! How Morality Muddles Perception of a Mind
LiveScience: Although people can’t directly experience the consciousness of another, they take for granted that other people have minds — that others can think, remember, experience pleasure and feel pain. People, however, don’t typically attribute Visit Page
What Darkness Does to the Mind
The Atlantic: In the summer of 2008, I moved from Pittsburgh to Chapel Hill to start my new position as a faculty member at the business school at the University of North Carolina. Although I Visit Page