Clues to Teaching Young Children to Tell the Truth
The Wall Street Journal: Parents who want their children to be more honest might be better off trying to make them feel more like George Washington than Pinocchio. The story of Pinocchio emphasizes the shame
George Washington Trumps Pinocchio for Inspiring Honesty in Kids, Study Says
Boston.com: The study, published in Psychological Science, concludes positive moral tales like “George Washington and the Cherry Tree” work better at instilling a sense of honesty than “Pinocchio” or the “Boy Who Cried Wolf,” in which
How to Get Your Kids to Tell the Truth
New York Magazine: Only a social scientist would look at a classic, beloved children’s story about the importance of honesty and ask, “I wonder if this is an empirically effective way to reduce lying in
Jonathan Haidt — The Psychology Behind Morality
On Being: The surprising psychology behind morality is at the heart of social psychologist Jonathan Haidt’s research. “When it comes to moral judgments,” he says, “we think we are scientists discovering the truth, but actually
Virtuous Cycles: Night Owls and Early Birds
The Huffington Post: I have been an early bird for as long as I can remember. Even in college and grad school, when circumstances more or less forced me to be a night owl —
Where’s The Line Between Cheating A Little and Cheating A Lot?
NPR: Behavioral economist Dan Ariely explains the hidden reasons we think it’s okay to cheat or steal. He says we’re predictably irrational — and can be influenced in ways we don’t even realize. Listen to