CEPEDA: Now whites are feeling discrimination
The Sacramento Bee: Scholars from the Harvard Business School and Tufts University’s department of psychology recently confirmed the obvious in contemporary American race relations. The title of their report, “Whites See Racism as a Zero-Sum
Mental health issues rise among US troops
Boston Globe: American troops in Afghanistan are suffering the highest rates of mental health problems since 2005, and morale has deteriorated, the Pentagon said yesterday. Military doctors said the findings were no surprise, given the
Boys Who Lack Empathy Don’t React to a Fearful Face
Scientific American: Psychopaths can’t connect emotionally. Researchers have thought that trait may be connected with an outsized drive for reward and an inability to register fearful expressions in others’ faces. And that training them to
Ha valaki nem fél, pszichopata lesz?
HVG Hungary: A pszichopátia működésével kapcsolatos egyik feltevés szerint az állapot kialakulása egyfajta félelemhiánnyal függ össze. A Psychological Science folyóirat legújabb számában megjelenő tanulmány kimutatta, hogy a pszichopátia bizonyos kockázati tényezőjével bíró gyermekek nem ismerik
Gefährliche Seitensprünge
Kurier: Erst Schwarzenegger, dann Strauss-Kahn, jetzt eine Sex-Party bei einer deutschen Versicherung. Ist Treue nicht mehr zeitgemäß? Ganz im Gegenteil: “In unserer Zivilisationsgeschichte waren außereheliche Beziehungen Standard. Erzählungen über Harems, Konkubinen und Mätressen kann man
Why Powerful Men (Like Arnold) Cheat
Fox News: Another day, another political sex scandal. This time, it’s former California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger acknowledging this week that he fathered a child with a member of his household staff more than a decade